
By Ariel Hutnik, Membership and Content Coordinator
August 2021
2-minute reading

It’s true. Listing the endless benefits and opportunities of making proper use of networking is not enough. Is not enough either that CNBC published that70% of all jobs are not published publicly on jobs sites. Also knowing that Eighty-five percent of jobs are filled through networking (Hubspot) is not enough either. Maybe if I told you that according to Linkedin 70 percent of people in 2016 were hired at a company where they had a connection. You want names. You want us to show you what you can achieve because of your network.

Networking is not limited only to the possibility of accessing jobs opportunities. If you are one of the privileged ones who are happy in your current job, networking can also be meaningful to you. Interaction with other professionals gives you the opportunity to attract clients, detect new suppliers, and open new lines of business that you might not have considered. And all this while training your communication skills by improving the way you present yourself to others.

We can tell you the case of Andy Aguilera Guzman from Chile, who met Arnon Zamir at the Summit 2016 (LAZOS international meeting), and then they built Tikkun Olam Makers together in Chile.

There’s also the example of Nati Slovediansky from Argentina, who met Helen Marcos from Mexico, and prompted the creation of La Caja Negra Argentina together with her partner Michu Wejcman.

On the other hand, members of the network, such as Nati Acuña from Colombia, managed to increase the international scope of their project, relying on links started at the Summit 2018 in Cancun.

And if we keep talking about Networking, it would be unfair not to mention our international teams that carry out innovative and disruptive projects such as Shabat Unplug, Zikaron Basalon, Mitzvah Day, Gente Que Inspira podcast, or the recently formed environment and sustainability team.

Of course, not everything is as simple as it seems. 70% of people who consider themselves networkers agree that they lack time to implement it more often.

Networking is one of the most powerful tools that exist today in the professional world regardless of whether you are a businessman, an artist, a freelancer, or an entrepreneur.

LAZOS is your possibility to expand this network throughout Latin America, connecting with young professional Jews from more than 70 cities around the world. And that possibility begins HERE

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